Salutation APIs
The Application Programmer's Interface of the Salutation Architecture
The Salutation Architecture provides a simple, light-weight API set for accessing the
Salutation functions. These APIs fall into 5 categories:
Initialization: There are two APIs for initialization of the Salutation Manager that receives and
acts on the API calls. They are
- smlGetVersion(): Returns the Version Number of the Salutation Manager
- slmGetlocalSLMID(): Returns the ID for the local Salutation Manager. This ID is used in
subsequent API calls.
Registration: There are two APIs for maintaining Functional Unit Registration. They are:
- slmRegisterCapabilities(): Allows user to register a local Functional Unit with the Salutation
Manager. Other Salutation Managers will be able to 'see' this Functional Unit and learn about its
- slmUnregisterCapabilities(): Allows the user to unregister a Functional Unit that was
previously registered with the Salutation Manager. This effectively takes the Functional Unit
Query: There are two APIs for locating other Salutation Managers and determining the
Functional Units registered there. They are:
- slmSearchCapability(): Locates other Salutation Managers having specific Functional Units.
- SlmQueryCapability(): Determines if a Functional Unit supports a specific set of Capabilities.
Availability: There are two APIs for determining if a Functional Unit is available. They are:
- slmStartAvailabilityCheck(): Check the availability of a specific Functional Unit at a specified
- SlmCancelAvailabilityCheck(): Stop a previously started availability check.
Service: There are three APIs which control the movement of data between Salutation enabled
entities. They are:
- slmOpenService(): Creates a virtual, bi-directional data pipe between the calling entity and a
Function Unit specified in the call.
- SlmTransferData(): Places data on the data pipe form the calling entity to the specified
Functional Unit.
- SlmCloseService(): Closes a virtual data pipe set up by the slmOpenService call.
That's it! Eleven API calls to initialize, register, find and use Salutation enabled devices,
application and services. If you would like to learn more about the Salutation API calls, get a
copy of the Salutation Specification from www.salutation.org/ordrspec.htm. You can also get a
software simulator of the API calls by accessing www.salutation.org/simulate.htm.